19/08/10 15:25 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "cgi(codedpassword1)": no such element in array while executing "ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year keywords identifier secondarytype} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)" invoked from within "foreach {title author year keywords identifier secondarytype} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year keywords identifier secondaryty..." invoked from within "subst set\ fileContentList\ \{\n\t\{\}\n\t\{\n%%%%%%%%%\ Auditoria\ interna\ sobre\ o\ repositório\ da\ Memória\ Científica\ do\ INPE\n\n\t\t%\ Thi..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated %\\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} [ foreach {title author year keywords identifier secondarytype} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year keywords identifier secondarytype} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % \\hypersetup{% % pdftitle={$title}, % pdfauthor={$author}, % pdfkeywords={$keywords} % } % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=9,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=1,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO % CAPA % \\titulo{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\titulo{$title} \\title{Internal audit on INPE Scientific Memory digital repository} %% no idioma secundario % \\author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner \\author{$author} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner % \\descriccao{Auditoria interna.} \\descriccao{} \\repositorio{$thisRepository} %% número de série INPE quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$secondarytype} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\date{$year} %% data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Auditoria. 2.~Memória científica. 3.~Repositório digital. 4.~Arquivo digital. 5.~Biblioteca digital. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{021.61:657.6} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{comment} [ set siteList { marte.dpi.inpe.br:80 mtc-m05.sid.inpe.br:80 mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br:80 {mtc-m15.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br 800} {md-m09.sid.inpe.br 800} mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br:80 mtc-m17.sid.inpe.br:80 {plutao.dpi.inpe.br 800} bibdigital.sid.inpe.br:80 } proc CreateDataSet {args} { set i 0 set data {} foreach input [lindex $args 0] { set line {} foreach list $args { lappend line [lindex $list $i] } lappend data $line incr i } return [join $data \n] } # CreateSequence creates a list of bar group position along the x axis proc CreateSequence {numberOfItems firstSequenceItem increment} { set sequenceItem $firstSequenceItem for {set i 1} {$i <= $numberOfItems} {incr i} { lappend sequence $sequenceItem set sequenceItem [expr $sequenceItem + $increment] } return $sequence } proc ComputeAxisParameters {dxticks barWidth xnameList numberOfItemsList} { set firstSequenceItem [expr 2 * $barWidth] set xmax [expr ([llength $xnameList] - 1) * $dxticks + 4 * $barWidth] set maxValue [expr round(1.1 * [lindex [lsort -integer $numberOfItemsList] end])] ;# 58 set factor [expr pow(10, [string length $maxValue] - 1)] ;# 10.0 set numberOfUnits [expr int(ceil($maxValue / $factor))] ;# 6 set maxTable(1) 1.2; set dticksTable(1) 0.2 ;# maxValue == 1 set maxTable(2) 3; set dticksTable(2) 0.5 set maxTable(3) 3; set dticksTable(3) 0.5 set maxTable(4) 4; set dticksTable(4) 1 set maxTable(5) 5; set dticksTable(5) 1 set maxTable(6) 6; set dticksTable(6) 1 set maxTable(7) 8; set dticksTable(7) 2 set maxTable(8) 8; set dticksTable(8) 2 set maxTable(9) 10; set dticksTable(9) 2 set maxTable(10) 12; set dticksTable(10) 2 set ymax [expr int($maxTable($numberOfUnits) * $factor)] ;# 60 set dyticks [expr int($dticksTable($numberOfUnits) * $factor)] ;# 10 return [list $firstSequenceItem $xmax $ymax $dyticks] } set publicationYearList1 {1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001} set publicationYearList2 {2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009} set totalNumberOfSearches 0 ### figureToBeUpdatedList ### set figureToBeUpdatedList {year_numberOfPublications1 year_numberOfPublications2} # set figureToBeUpdatedList {year_numberOfPublications2} set figureToBeUpdatedList {} set hei 0.2 # set dxticks 1.2 ;# 9 bars set dxticks 1.08 ;# 10 bars set barWidth 0.40 set barRed1 130; set barGreen1 130; set barBlue1 230 set barRed2 30; set barGreen2 30; set barBlue2 130 ] \\end{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document} \\end{document} } [ set dynamicList {} # Figure year_numberOfPublications1 if {[lsearch $figureToBeUpdatedList year_numberOfPublications1] != -1} { lappend dynamicList {year_numberOfPublications1.dat} lappend dynamicList \ [ set totalNumberOfSearches [expr $totalNumberOfSearches + [llength $publicationYearList1] * 2] set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear 0 set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2 0 set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList {} set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 {} foreach publicationYear $publicationYearList1 { set searchExpression "ref journal and ar met and y $publicationYear" set number [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 $searchExpression] lappend numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList $number incr numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear $number set searchExpression "ref journal and ar met and y $publicationYear and {dis websci or dis scielo}" set number [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 $searchExpression] lappend numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 $number incr numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2 $number } foreach {firstSequenceItem xmax ymax dyticks} [ComputeAxisParameters $dxticks $barWidth $publicationYearList1 $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList] {break} set graphymove 0.3 set graphxsize 15.4 set graphysize 5.8 CreateDataSet [CreateSequence [llength $publicationYearList1] $firstSequenceItem $dxticks] $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 ] lappend dynamicList {year_numberOfPublications1.gle} lappend dynamicList \ " ! size 15.4 6.0 ! size of the paper size $graphxsize [expr $graphysize * 0.92 + $graphymove] set font ss lwidth 0.01 set alabeldist .8 barRed1 = $barRed1 barGreen1 = $barGreen1 barBlue1 = $barBlue1 barRed2 = $barRed2 barGreen2 = $barGreen2 barBlue2 = $barBlue2 include \"./color.gle\" ! include \"barstyles.gle\" include \"./library.gle\" amove 0 $graphymove begin graph size $graphxsize $graphysize center data \"year_numberOfPublications1.dat\" xtitle \"Anos de publica\\c{c}\\~ao\" ytitle \"N\\'umero de publica\\c{c}\\~oes\" xaxis min 0 max $xmax xnames $publicationYearList1 xticks off ! yaxis dticks $dyticks dsubticks $dyticks min 0 max $ymax yaxis dticks 50 dsubticks 50 min 0 max 150 x2axis off y2axis off xlabels hei $hei ylabels hei $hei bar d1,d2 width $barWidth dist [expr $barWidth + 0.04] style colormap1,colormap2 end graph begin key justify bc absolute (pagewidth()/2) 0 hei $hei nobox boxcolor clear fill rgb255($barRed1,$barGreen1,$barBlue1) text \"Publica\\c{c}\\~ao em revista - Total: $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear\" fill rgb255($barRed2,$barGreen2,$barBlue2) text \"Publica\\c{c}\\~ao em revista indexada - Total: $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2\" end key " } # Figure year_numberOfPublications2 if {[lsearch $figureToBeUpdatedList year_numberOfPublications2] != -1} { lappend dynamicList {year_numberOfPublications2.dat} lappend dynamicList \ [ set totalNumberOfSearches [expr $totalNumberOfSearches + [llength $publicationYearList2] * 2] set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear 0 set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2 0 set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList {} set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 {} foreach publicationYear $publicationYearList2 { set searchExpression "ref journal and ar met and y $publicationYear" set number [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 $searchExpression] lappend numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList $number incr numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear $number set searchExpression "ref journal and ar met and y $publicationYear and {dis websci or dis scielo}" set number [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 $searchExpression] lappend numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 $number incr numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2 $number } foreach {firstSequenceItem xmax ymax dyticks} [ComputeAxisParameters $dxticks $barWidth $publicationYearList2 $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList] {break} set graphymove 0.3 set graphxsize 15.4 set graphysize 5.8 CreateDataSet [CreateSequence [llength $publicationYearList2] $firstSequenceItem $dxticks] $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 ] lappend dynamicList {year_numberOfPublications2.gle} lappend dynamicList \ " ! size 15.4 6.0 ! size of the paper size $graphxsize [expr $graphysize * 0.92 + $graphymove] set font ss lwidth 0.01 set alabeldist .8 barRed1 = $barRed1 barGreen1 = $barGreen1 barBlue1 = $barBlue1 barRed2 = $barRed2 barGreen2 = $barGreen2 barBlue2 = $barBlue2 include \"./color.gle\" ! include \"barstyles.gle\" include \"./library.gle\" amove 0 $graphymove begin graph size $graphxsize $graphysize center data \"year_numberOfPublications2.dat\" xtitle \"Anos de publica\\c{c}\\~ao\" ytitle \"N\\'umero de publica\\c{c}\\~oes\" xaxis min 0 max $xmax xnames $publicationYearList2 xticks off ! yaxis dticks $dyticks dsubticks $dyticks min 0 max $ymax yaxis dticks 50 dsubticks 50 min 0 max 150 x2axis off y2axis off xlabels hei $hei ylabels hei $hei bar d1,d2 width $barWidth dist [expr $barWidth + 0.04] style colormap1,colormap2 end graph begin key justify bc absolute (pagewidth()/2) 0 hei $hei nobox boxcolor clear fill rgb255($barRed1,$barGreen1,$barBlue1) text \"Publica\\c{c}\\~ao em revista - Total: $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear\" fill rgb255($barRed2,$barGreen2,$barBlue2) text \"Publica\\c{c}\\~ao em revista indexada - Total: $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2\" end key " } set dynamicList ] } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 03/12/10 21:14 03/12/10 21:14 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "figureToBeUpdatedList": no such variable while executing "lsearch $figureToBeUpdatedList year_numberOfPublications1" invoked from within "if {[lsearch $figureToBeUpdatedList year_numberOfPublications1] != -1} { lappend dynamicList {year_numberOfPublications1.dat} lappend dynamicLis..." invoked from within "subst set\ fileContentList\ \{\n\t\{\}\n\t\{\n%%%%%%%%%\ Auditoria\ interna\ sobre\ o\ repositório\ da\ Memória\ Científica\ do\ INPE\n\n\t\t%\ Thi..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated %\\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} \\RequirePackage#!#nodash,narrow,portugues#@#{nicealgo} \\theoremstyle{plain} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}#!#section#@# \\newtheorem{proposition}#!#theorem#@#{Proposição} \\newtheorem{lemma}#!#theorem#@#{Lemma} \\newtheorem{corollary}#!#theorem#@#{Corollary} \\newtheorem{property}#!#theorem#@#{Property} % \\newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} \\theoremstyle{definition} % \\newtheorem{definition}#!#theorem#@#{Definição} \\newtheorem{definition}{Definição} % \\newtheorem{example}#!#theorem#@#{Exemplo} \\newtheorem{example}{Exemplo} \\theoremstyle{remark} \\newtheorem{remark}#!#theorem#@#{Remark} \\newtheorem{note}#!#theorem#@#{Note} \\newtheoremstyle{plain}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % \\newtheoremstyle is described in Section 4.3 of ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf \\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % mathenum \\newenvironment{mathenum}{% \\begingroup \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{\\roman{enumi}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumi)}}% \\renewcommand{\\theenumii}{\\alph{enumii}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumii)}}% \\begin{enumerate} \\vskip-\\topsep\\vskip-\\parskip \\topsep5pt\\itemsep2pt% \\parsep1pt\\parskip0pt% \\vskip\\topsep\\vskip\\parskip }{% \\end{enumerate} \\endgroup } [ foreach {title author year keywords identifier secondarytype} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year keywords identifier secondarytype} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % \\hypersetup{% % pdftitle={$title}, % pdfauthor={$author}, % pdfkeywords={$keywords} % } % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=9,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=5,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO % CAPA % \\titulo{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\titulo{$title} \\title{Internet based identifier - Norm project} %% no idioma secundario % \\author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner \\author{$author} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner % \\descriccao{Auditoria interna.} \\descriccao{} \\repositorio{$thisRepository} %% número de série INPE quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$secondarytype} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\date{$year} %% data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Auditoria. 2.~Memória científica. 3.~Repositório digital. 4.~Arquivo digital. 5.~Biblioteca digital. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{021.61:657.6} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document} \\end{document} } [ set dynamicList {} # Figure year_numberOfPublications1 if {[lsearch $figureToBeUpdatedList year_numberOfPublications1] != -1} { lappend dynamicList {year_numberOfPublications1.dat} lappend dynamicList \ [ set totalNumberOfSearches [expr $totalNumberOfSearches + [llength $publicationYearList1] * 2] set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear 0 set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2 0 set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList {} set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 {} foreach publicationYear $publicationYearList1 { set searchExpression "ref journal and ar met and y $publicationYear" set number [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 $searchExpression] lappend numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList $number incr numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear $number set searchExpression "ref journal and ar met and y $publicationYear and {dis websci or dis scielo}" set number [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 $searchExpression] lappend numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 $number incr numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2 $number } foreach {firstSequenceItem xmax ymax dyticks} [ComputeAxisParameters $dxticks $barWidth $publicationYearList1 $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList] {break} set graphymove 0.3 set graphxsize 15.4 set graphysize 5.8 CreateDataSet [CreateSequence [llength $publicationYearList1] $firstSequenceItem $dxticks] $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 ] lappend dynamicList {year_numberOfPublications1.gle} lappend dynamicList \ " ! size 15.4 6.0 ! size of the paper size $graphxsize [expr $graphysize * 0.92 + $graphymove] set font ss lwidth 0.01 set alabeldist .8 barRed1 = $barRed1 barGreen1 = $barGreen1 barBlue1 = $barBlue1 barRed2 = $barRed2 barGreen2 = $barGreen2 barBlue2 = $barBlue2 include \"./color.gle\" ! include \"barstyles.gle\" include \"./library.gle\" amove 0 $graphymove begin graph size $graphxsize $graphysize center data \"year_numberOfPublications1.dat\" xtitle \"Anos de publica\\c{c}\\~ao\" ytitle \"N\\'umero de publica\\c{c}\\~oes\" xaxis min 0 max $xmax xnames $publicationYearList1 xticks off ! yaxis dticks $dyticks dsubticks $dyticks min 0 max $ymax yaxis dticks 50 dsubticks 50 min 0 max 150 x2axis off y2axis off xlabels hei $hei ylabels hei $hei bar d1,d2 width $barWidth dist [expr $barWidth + 0.04] style colormap1,colormap2 end graph begin key justify bc absolute (pagewidth()/2) 0 hei $hei nobox boxcolor clear fill rgb255($barRed1,$barGreen1,$barBlue1) text \"Publica\\c{c}\\~ao em revista - Total: $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear\" fill rgb255($barRed2,$barGreen2,$barBlue2) text \"Publica\\c{c}\\~ao em revista indexada - Total: $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2\" end key " } # Figure year_numberOfPublications2 if {[lsearch $figureToBeUpdatedList year_numberOfPublications2] != -1} { lappend dynamicList {year_numberOfPublications2.dat} lappend dynamicList \ [ set totalNumberOfSearches [expr $totalNumberOfSearches + [llength $publicationYearList2] * 2] set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear 0 set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2 0 set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList {} set numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 {} foreach publicationYear $publicationYearList2 { set searchExpression "ref journal and ar met and y $publicationYear" set number [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 $searchExpression] lappend numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList $number incr numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear $number set searchExpression "ref journal and ar met and y $publicationYear and {dis websci or dis scielo}" set number [DisplayNumberOfEntries2 $searchExpression] lappend numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 $number incr numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2 $number } foreach {firstSequenceItem xmax ymax dyticks} [ComputeAxisParameters $dxticks $barWidth $publicationYearList2 $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList] {break} set graphymove 0.3 set graphxsize 15.4 set graphysize 5.8 CreateDataSet [CreateSequence [llength $publicationYearList2] $firstSequenceItem $dxticks] $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYearList2 ] lappend dynamicList {year_numberOfPublications2.gle} lappend dynamicList \ " ! size 15.4 6.0 ! size of the paper size $graphxsize [expr $graphysize * 0.92 + $graphymove] set font ss lwidth 0.01 set alabeldist .8 barRed1 = $barRed1 barGreen1 = $barGreen1 barBlue1 = $barBlue1 barRed2 = $barRed2 barGreen2 = $barGreen2 barBlue2 = $barBlue2 include \"./color.gle\" ! include \"barstyles.gle\" include \"./library.gle\" amove 0 $graphymove begin graph size $graphxsize $graphysize center data \"year_numberOfPublications2.dat\" xtitle \"Anos de publica\\c{c}\\~ao\" ytitle \"N\\'umero de publica\\c{c}\\~oes\" xaxis min 0 max $xmax xnames $publicationYearList2 xticks off ! yaxis dticks $dyticks dsubticks $dyticks min 0 max $ymax yaxis dticks 50 dsubticks 50 min 0 max 150 x2axis off y2axis off xlabels hei $hei ylabels hei $hei bar d1,d2 width $barWidth dist [expr $barWidth + 0.04] style colormap1,colormap2 end graph begin key justify bc absolute (pagewidth()/2) 0 hei $hei nobox boxcolor clear fill rgb255($barRed1,$barGreen1,$barBlue1) text \"Publica\\c{c}\\~ao em revista - Total: $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear\" fill rgb255($barRed2,$barGreen2,$barBlue2) text \"Publica\\c{c}\\~ao em revista indexada - Total: $numberOfRecordsPerPublicationYear2\" end key " } set dynamicList ] } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/03/11 17:10 10/03/11 17:10 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "lastupdate": no such variable while executing "subst {set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE % This file is interpreted by ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated %\\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} \\RequirePackage#!#nodash,narrow,portugues#@#{nicealgo} \\theoremstyle{plain} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}#!#section#@# \\newtheorem{proposition}#!#theorem#@#{Proposição} \\newtheorem{lemma}#!#theorem#@#{Lemma} \\newtheorem{corollary}#!#theorem#@#{Corollary} \\newtheorem{property}#!#theorem#@#{Property} % \\newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} \\theoremstyle{definition} % \\newtheorem{definition}#!#theorem#@#{Definição} \\newtheorem{definition}{Definição} % \\newtheorem{example}#!#theorem#@#{Exemplo} \\newtheorem{example}{Exemplo} \\theoremstyle{remark} \\newtheorem{remark}#!#theorem#@#{Remark} \\newtheorem{note}#!#theorem#@#{Note} \\newtheoremstyle{plain}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % \\newtheoremstyle is described in Section 4.3 of ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf \\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % mathenum \\newenvironment{mathenum}{% \\begingroup \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{\\roman{enumi}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumi)}}% \\renewcommand{\\theenumii}{\\alph{enumii}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumii)}}% \\begin{enumerate} \\vskip-\\topsep\\vskip-\\parskip \\topsep5pt\\itemsep2pt% \\parsep1pt\\parskip0pt% \\vskip\\topsep\\vskip\\parskip }{% \\end{enumerate} \\endgroup } [ foreach {title author year keywords identifier secondarytype} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier secondarytype} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % \\hypersetup{% % pdftitle={$title}, % pdfauthor={$author}, % pdfkeywords={$keywords} % } % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=9,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=1,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO % CAPA % \\titulo{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\titulo{$title} \\title{Internet based identifier - Draft standard} %% no idioma secundario % \\author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner \\author{$author} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner % \\descriccao{Auditoria interna.} \\descriccao{} \\repositorio{$thisRepository} %% número de série INPE quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$secondarytype} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento % \\date{$year} %% data da publicação \\date{$lastupdate} %% data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Auditoria. 2.~Memória científica. 3.~Repositório digital. 4.~Arquivo digital. 5.~Biblioteca digital. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{021.61:657.6} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document} \\end{document} } } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/03/11 17:11 10/03/11 17:11 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "lastupdate": no such variable while executing "subst {set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE % This file is interpreted by ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated %\\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} \\RequirePackage#!#nodash,narrow,portugues#@#{nicealgo} \\theoremstyle{plain} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}#!#section#@# \\newtheorem{proposition}#!#theorem#@#{Proposição} \\newtheorem{lemma}#!#theorem#@#{Lemma} \\newtheorem{corollary}#!#theorem#@#{Corollary} \\newtheorem{property}#!#theorem#@#{Property} % \\newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} \\theoremstyle{definition} % \\newtheorem{definition}#!#theorem#@#{Definição} \\newtheorem{definition}{Definição} % \\newtheorem{example}#!#theorem#@#{Exemplo} \\newtheorem{example}{Exemplo} \\theoremstyle{remark} \\newtheorem{remark}#!#theorem#@#{Remark} \\newtheorem{note}#!#theorem#@#{Note} \\newtheoremstyle{plain}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % \\newtheoremstyle is described in Section 4.3 of ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf \\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % mathenum \\newenvironment{mathenum}{% \\begingroup \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{\\roman{enumi}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumi)}}% \\renewcommand{\\theenumii}{\\alph{enumii}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumii)}}% \\begin{enumerate} \\vskip-\\topsep\\vskip-\\parskip \\topsep5pt\\itemsep2pt% \\parsep1pt\\parskip0pt% \\vskip\\topsep\\vskip\\parskip }{% \\end{enumerate} \\endgroup } [ foreach {title author year keywords identifier secondarytype} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier secondarytype} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % \\hypersetup{% % pdftitle={$title}, % pdfauthor={$author}, % pdfkeywords={$keywords} % } % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=9,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=1,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO % CAPA % \\titulo{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\titulo{$title} \\title{Internet based identifier - Draft standard} %% no idioma secundario % \\author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner \\author{$author} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner % \\descriccao{Auditoria interna.} \\descriccao{} \\repositorio{$thisRepository} %% número de série INPE quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$secondarytype} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento % \\date{$year} %% data da publicação % \\date{$lastupdate} %% data da publicação \\date{2011} %% data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Auditoria. 2.~Memória científica. 3.~Repositório digital. 4.~Arquivo digital. 5.~Biblioteca digital. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{021.61:657.6} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document} \\end{document} } } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" {CreateTclPage (3): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: connection timed out} {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} 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{couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} 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making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{tdiinpe} % \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} \\RequirePackage#!#nodash,narrow,portugues#@#{nicealgo} \\theoremstyle{plain} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}#!#section#@# \\newtheorem{proposition}#!#theorem#@#{Proposição} \\newtheorem{lemma}#!#theorem#@#{Lemma} \\newtheorem{corollary}#!#theorem#@#{Corollary} \\newtheorem{property}#!#theorem#@#{Property} % \\newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} \\theoremstyle{definition} % \\newtheorem{definition}#!#theorem#@#{Definição} \\newtheorem{definition}{Definição} % \\newtheorem{example}#!#theorem#@#{Exemplo} \\newtheorem{example}{Exemplo} \\theoremstyle{remark} \\newtheorem{remark}#!#theorem#@#{Remark} \\newtheorem{note}#!#theorem#@#{Note} \\newtheoremstyle{plain}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % \\newtheoremstyle is described in Section 4.3 of ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf \\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % mathenum \\newenvironment{mathenum}{% \\begingroup \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{\\roman{enumi}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumi)}}% \\renewcommand{\\theenumii}{\\alph{enumii}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumii)}}% \\begin{enumerate} \\vskip-\\topsep\\vskip-\\parskip \\topsep5pt\\itemsep2pt% \\parsep1pt\\parskip0pt% \\vskip\\topsep\\vskip\\parskip }{% \\end{enumerate} \\endgroup } [ foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier secondarytype} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier secondarytype} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % 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repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$secondarytype} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\date{$year} %% data da publicação % \\date{$lastupdate} %% versão da publicação % \\date{2011} %% data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio % \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Auditoria. 2.~Memória científica. 3.~Repositório digital. 4.~Arquivo digital. 5.~Biblioteca digital. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{021.61:657.6} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document} \\end{document} } } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 19/05/11 02:03 19/05/11 02:03 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "serverAddress": no such variable while executing "ReturnCommunicationAddress $serverAddress" (procedure "SetFieldValue" line 4) invoked from within "SetFieldValue $serverAddressWithIP $searchResult $fieldNameList" (procedure "ReturnFieldValueList" line 4) invoked from within "ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier secondarytype} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)" invoked from within "foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier secondarytype} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords ..." invoked from within "subst {set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE % This file is interpreted by ..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{tdiinpe} % \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} \\RequirePackage#!#nodash,narrow,portugues#@#{nicealgo} \\theoremstyle{plain} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}#!#section#@# \\newtheorem{proposition}#!#theorem#@#{Proposição} \\newtheorem{lemma}#!#theorem#@#{Lemma} \\newtheorem{corollary}#!#theorem#@#{Corollary} \\newtheorem{property}#!#theorem#@#{Property} % \\newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} \\theoremstyle{definition} % \\newtheorem{definition}#!#theorem#@#{Definição} \\newtheorem{definition}{Definição} % \\newtheorem{example}#!#theorem#@#{Exemplo} \\newtheorem{example}{Exemplo} \\theoremstyle{remark} \\newtheorem{remark}#!#theorem#@#{Remark} \\newtheorem{note}#!#theorem#@#{Note} \\newtheoremstyle{plain}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % \\newtheoremstyle is described in Section 4.3 of ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf \\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % mathenum \\newenvironment{mathenum}{% \\begingroup \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{\\roman{enumi}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumi)}}% \\renewcommand{\\theenumii}{\\alph{enumii}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumii)}}% \\begin{enumerate} \\vskip-\\topsep\\vskip-\\parskip \\topsep5pt\\itemsep2pt% \\parsep1pt\\parskip0pt% \\vskip\\topsep\\vskip\\parskip }{% \\end{enumerate} \\endgroup } [ foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier secondarytype} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier secondarytype} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % \\hypersetup{% % pdftitle={$title}, % pdfauthor={$author}, % pdfkeywords={$keywords} % } % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=9,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=41,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=1,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO % CAPA % \\titulo{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\titulo{$title} \\title{Internet based identifier - Draft standard} %% no idioma secundario % \\author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner \\author{$author} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner % \\descriccao{Auditoria interna.} \\descriccao{} \\repositorio{$thisRepository} %% número de série INPE quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$secondarytype} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\date{$year} %% data da publicação % \\date{$lastupdate} %% versão da publicação % \\date{2011} %% data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio % \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Auditoria. 2.~Memória científica. 3.~Repositório digital. 4.~Arquivo digital. 5.~Biblioteca digital. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{021.61:657.6} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document} \\end{document} } } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 30/11/11 19:22 30/11/11 19:23 30/11/11 19:28 08/12/11 09:59 08/12/11 12:40 08/12/11 12:40 08/12/11 12:41 08/12/11 12:41 08/12/11 12:48 13/12/11 13:27 13/12/11 13:31 13/12/11 13:54 13/12/11 14:49 13/12/11 14:53 13/12/11 15:01 13/12/11 17:22 13/12/11 17:24 13/12/11 17:26 13/12/11 17:27 31/05/14 22:32 09/05/15 20:01 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:05 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:06 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:09 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:10 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:10 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:27 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:28 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:33 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:37 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:50 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:52 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 20:55 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:00 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:02 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:03 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:09 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:17 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:18 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:20 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:33 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:35 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 09/05/15 21:36 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 16:44 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 16:45 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 16:46 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 16:47 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 16:48 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 16:50 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 16:51 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 16:52 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 17:06 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 17:06 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "cgi(codedpassword1)": no such element in array while executing "ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)" invoked from within "foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifie..." invoked from within "subst {set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Identificador com base na Internet (IBI): Sistema de identificação % This file is interpreted by tc..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Identificador com base na Internet (IBI): Sistema de identificação % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{tdiinpe} % \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} \\RequirePackage#!#nodash,narrow,portugues#@#{nicealgo} % \\usepackage{mpfnmark} \\theoremstyle{plain} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}#!#section#@# \\newtheorem{proposition}#!#theorem#@#{Proposição} \\newtheorem{lemma}#!#theorem#@#{Lemma} \\newtheorem{corollary}#!#theorem#@#{Corollary} \\newtheorem{property}#!#theorem#@#{Property} % \\newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} \\theoremstyle{definition} % \\newtheorem{definition}#!#theorem#@#{Definição} \\newtheorem{definition}{Definição} % \\newtheorem{example}#!#theorem#@#{Exemplo} \\newtheorem{example}{Exemplo} \\theoremstyle{remark} \\newtheorem{remark}#!#theorem#@#{Remark} \\newtheorem{note}#!#theorem#@#{Note} \\newtheoremstyle{plain}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % \\newtheoremstyle is described in Section 4.3 of ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf \\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % mathenum \\newenvironment{mathenum}{% \\begingroup \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{\\roman{enumi}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumi)}}% \\renewcommand{\\theenumii}{\\alph{enumii}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumii)}}% \\begin{enumerate} \\vskip-\\topsep\\vskip-\\parskip \\topsep5pt\\itemsep2pt% \\parsep1pt\\parskip0pt% \\vskip\\topsep\\vskip\\parskip }{% \\end{enumerate} \\endgroup } [ foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % \\hypersetup{% % pdftitle={$title}, % pdfauthor={$author}, % pdfkeywords={$keywords} % } % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=9,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=41,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=1,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO % CAPA % \\titulo{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\titulo{$title} \\title{Internet based identifier - Draft standard} %% no idioma secundario % \\author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner \\author{$author} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner % \\descriccao{Auditoria interna.} \\descriccao{} \\repositorio{$thisRepository} %% número de série INPE quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$type} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento % \\date{$lastupdate} %% versão da publicação % \\date{$year} %% data da publicação % \\date{2011} %% data da publicação % [if [string equal {} $year] {set date $lastupdate} else {set date $year}] \\date{$date} %% versão ou data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227i} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio % \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Identificador. 2.~Vínculo persistente. 3.~Internet. 4.~Organização de arquivos. 5.~URL. 6.~Identifier. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{004.451.53} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document} \\end{document} } } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/05/15 17:06 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 17:08 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 17:13 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 17:25 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 17:25 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "cgi(codedpassword1)": no such element in array while executing "ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)" invoked from within "foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifie..." invoked from within "subst {set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Identificador com base na Internet (IBI): Sistema de identificação % This file is interpreted by tc..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Identificador com base na Internet (IBI): Sistema de identificação % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoProposta,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{rtc10} % \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{tdiinpe} % \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} \\RequirePackage#!#nodash,narrow,portugues#@#{nicealgo} % \\usepackage{mpfnmark} \\theoremstyle{plain} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}#!#section#@# \\newtheorem{proposition}#!#theorem#@#{Proposição} \\newtheorem{lemma}#!#theorem#@#{Lemma} \\newtheorem{corollary}#!#theorem#@#{Corollary} \\newtheorem{property}#!#theorem#@#{Property} % \\newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} \\theoremstyle{definition} % \\newtheorem{definition}#!#theorem#@#{Definição} \\newtheorem{definition}{Definição} % \\newtheorem{example}#!#theorem#@#{Exemplo} \\newtheorem{example}{Exemplo} \\theoremstyle{remark} \\newtheorem{remark}#!#theorem#@#{Remark} \\newtheorem{note}#!#theorem#@#{Note} \\newtheoremstyle{plain}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % \\newtheoremstyle is described in Section 4.3 of ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf \\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % mathenum \\newenvironment{mathenum}{% \\begingroup \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{\\roman{enumi}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumi)}}% \\renewcommand{\\theenumii}{\\alph{enumii}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumii)}}% \\begin{enumerate} \\vskip-\\topsep\\vskip-\\parskip \\topsep5pt\\itemsep2pt% \\parsep1pt\\parskip0pt% \\vskip\\topsep\\vskip\\parskip }{% \\end{enumerate} \\endgroup } [ foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % \\hypersetup{% % pdftitle={$title}, % pdfauthor={$author}, % pdfkeywords={$keywords} % } % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=9,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=41,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=1,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO % CAPA % \\titulo{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\titulo{Sistema para Geração de IBI} \\title{Internet based identifier - Draft standard} %% no idioma secundario % \\author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner \\author{$author} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner % \\descriccao{Auditoria interna.} \\descriccao{} \\repositorio{$thisRepository} %% número de série INPE quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$type} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento % \\date{$lastupdate} %% versão da publicação % \\date{$year} %% data da publicação % \\date{2011} %% data da publicação % [if [string equal {} $year] {set date $lastupdate} else {set date $year}] \\date{$date} %% versão ou data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227i} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio % \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Identificador. 2.~Vínculo persistente. 3.~Internet. 4.~Organização de arquivos. 5.~URL. 6.~Identifier. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{004.451.53} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document} \\end{document} } } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/05/15 17:25 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 19:22 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 19:25 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 19:26 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 19:30 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 19:53 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 19:54 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 20:43 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 23:38 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 23:45 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 10/05/15 23:52 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 00:08 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 00:46 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 00:55 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 01:27 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 15:55 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 17:25 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 17:27 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 17:48 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 18:03 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 18:18 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 18:22 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 18:30 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 18:36 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 18:42 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 22:28 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 23:40 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 11/05/15 23:41 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:21 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:26 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:29 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:30 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:32 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:33 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:38 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:39 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:41 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:43 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:45 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:49 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:50 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:50 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:52 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:52 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 19:54 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 20:07 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 12/05/15 20:12 {CreateTclPage (1): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {couldn't open socket: invalid argument} 07/07/15 00:08 07/07/15 00:08 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "cgi(codedpassword1)": no such element in array while executing "ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)" invoked from within "foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifie..." invoked from within "subst {set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Identificador com base na Internet (IBI): Sistema de identificação %%%%%%%%% Internet based Identifier..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Identificador com base na Internet (IBI): Sistema de identificação %%%%%%%%% Internet based Identifier (IBI): Identification system % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated % \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoProposta,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{rtc10} \\documentclass#!#portuguese,english,PublicacaoProposta,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{rtc10} % \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{tdiinpe} % \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} \\RequirePackage#!#nodash,narrow,portugues#@#{nicealgo} % \\usepackage{mpfnmark} \\theoremstyle{plain} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \\newtheorem{proposition}#!#theorem#@#{Proposição} \\newtheorem{lemma}#!#theorem#@#{Lemma} \\newtheorem{corollary}#!#theorem#@#{Corollary} \\newtheorem{property}#!#theorem#@#{Property} \\theoremstyle{definition} \\newtheorem{definition}{Definição} \\newtheorem{example}{Exemplo} \\theoremstyle{remark} \\newtheorem{remark}#!#theorem#@#{Remark} \\newtheorem{note}#!#theorem#@#{Note} \\newtheoremstyle{plain}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % \\newtheoremstyle is described in Section 4.3 of ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf \\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % mathenum \\newenvironment{mathenum}{% \\begingroup \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{\\roman{enumi}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumi)}}% \\renewcommand{\\theenumii}{\\alph{enumii}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumii)}}% \\begin{enumerate} \\vskip-\\topsep\\vskip-\\parskip \\topsep5pt\\itemsep2pt% \\parsep1pt\\parskip0pt% \\vskip\\topsep\\vskip\\parskip }{% \\end{enumerate} \\endgroup } [ foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % \\hypersetup{% % pdftitle={$title}, % pdfauthor={$author}, % pdfkeywords={$keywords} % } % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=9,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=41,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=1,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO % CAPA % \\titulo{Sistema para Geração de IBI} \\titulo{System for IBI Generation} \\title{~} %% no idioma secundario % \\author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner \\author{$author} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner % \\descriccao{Auditoria interna.} \\descriccao{} \\repositorio{$thisRepository} %% número de série INPE quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$type} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento % \\date{$lastupdate} %% versão da publicação % \\date{$year} %% data da publicação % \\date{2011} %% data da publicação % [if [string equal {} $year] {set date $lastupdate} else {set date $year}] \\date{$date} %% versão ou data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227i} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio % \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Identificador. 2.~Vínculo persistente. 3.~Internet. 4.~Organização de arquivos. 5.~URL. 6.~Identifier. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{004.451.53} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document-rtc10} \\end{document} } } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 07/07/15 00:08 07/07/15 00:20 07/07/15 00:20 07/07/15 00:21 11/07/15 23:23 11/07/15 23:33 12/07/15 00:07 12/07/15 00:09 12/07/15 00:09 12/07/15 14:08 12/07/15 14:10 12/07/15 14:10 12/07/15 14:12 12/07/15 14:14 12/07/15 14:16 12/07/15 15:50 12/07/15 17:10 12/07/15 17:27 12/07/15 17:32 12/07/15 17:37 12/07/15 17:38 13/07/15 00:31 13/07/15 00:34 13/07/15 00:35 13/07/15 00:41 13/07/15 00:45 13/07/15 23:33 13/07/15 23:36 14/07/15 12:45 14/07/15 12:47 14/07/15 12:50 14/07/15 12:53 14/07/15 13:53 14/07/15 14:09 14/07/15 14:43 14/07/15 14:44 14/07/15 14:52 14/07/15 14:56 14/07/15 15:34 14/07/15 15:37 14/07/15 15:43 14/07/15 22:48 14/07/15 22:48 14/07/15 23:01 14/07/15 23:37 14/07/15 23:40 16/07/15 14:01 16/07/15 14:02 16/07/15 14:03 16/07/15 14:06 16/07/15 15:26 16/07/15 15:30 16/07/15 15:31 16/07/15 23:14 16/07/15 23:32 17/07/15 10:27 17/07/15 10:32 17/07/15 14:01 17/07/15 14:07 17/07/15 14:08 17/07/15 15:23 20/07/15 20:54 21/07/15 13:32 21/07/15 14:41 21/07/15 14:44 21/07/15 14:44 26/07/15 13:23 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 26/07/15 13:28 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 26/07/15 22:58 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 26/07/15 23:21 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 26/07/15 23:23 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 26/07/15 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19:02 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 19:34 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 19:44 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 19:59 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 20:00 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 20:04 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 23:21 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 23:21 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 23:24 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 23:34 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 28/07/15 23:53 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 30/07/15 18:50 30/07/15 18:51 Execute (3): communication with server [gjfb.home 800] doesn't start while trying to execute the command: GetFieldValue iconet.com.br/banon/2009/ title errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication doesn't start: couldn't open socket: invalid argument invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start while trying to execute the command:\n$command\nerrorInfo:\n--$..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute "$serverName $urlibPort" [list GetFieldValue ${rep-i} $fieldName] $async utf-8 $returnEmptyFlag" (procedure "SetFieldValue" line 62) invoked from within "SetFieldValue $serverAddress $metadataRep-0 {title author identifier parameterlist}" (procedure "CreateTclPage" line 149) invoked from within "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 30/07/15 18:55 30/07/15 23:59 31/07/15 00:02 {CreateTclPage (2): url not found} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} 31/07/15 01:12 31/07/15 01:39 31/07/15 01:43 31/07/15 12:57 31/07/15 12:57 31/07/15 13:02 31/07/15 13:15 31/07/15 13:24 31/07/15 13:26 31/07/15 13:27 31/07/15 13:28 31/07/15 13:29 31/07/15 13:30 31/07/15 13:31 31/07/15 13:31 31/07/15 13:34 31/07/15 19:44 31/07/15 23:13 31/07/15 23:17 31/07/15 23:18 31/07/15 23:19 31/07/15 23:28 31/07/15 23:31 31/07/15 23:32 31/07/15 23:56 31/07/15 23:57 01/08/15 00:09 01/08/15 00:14 01/08/15 00:26 14/05/17 20:21 14/05/17 20:34 17/05/17 14:45 25/09/18 15:05 25/09/18 15:05 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "cgi(codedpassword1)": no such element in array while executing "ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)" invoked from within "foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifie..." invoked from within "subst {set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Identificador com base na Internet (IBI): Sistema de identificação % This file is interpreted by tc..." invoked from within "interp eval slave [list subst $fileContent2]" while making substitution within: set fileContentList { {} { %%%%%%%%% Identificador com base na Internet (IBI): Sistema de identificação % This file is interpreted by tcl so each LaTeX back slash must be duplicated \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao#@#{http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#english,portuguese,PublicacaoLivro,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2008/} % \\documentclass#!#brazilian,PublicacaoArtigoOuRelatorio,SemFormatacaoCapitulo,SemFolhaAprovacao,LogoINPE#@#{tdiinpe} % \\RequirePackage{multirow} % \\RequirePackage{dcolumn} \\RequirePackage{csquotes} \\RequirePackage#!#nodash,narrow,portugues#@#{nicealgo} % \\usepackage{mpfnmark} \\theoremstyle{plain} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}#!#section#@# \\newtheorem{proposition}#!#theorem#@#{Proposição} \\newtheorem{lemma}#!#theorem#@#{Lemma} \\newtheorem{corollary}#!#theorem#@#{Corollary} \\newtheorem{property}#!#theorem#@#{Property} % \\newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} \\theoremstyle{definition} % \\newtheorem{definition}#!#theorem#@#{Definição} \\newtheorem{definition}{Definição} % \\newtheorem{example}#!#theorem#@#{Exemplo} \\newtheorem{example}{Exemplo} \\theoremstyle{remark} \\newtheorem{remark}#!#theorem#@#{Remark} \\newtheorem{note}#!#theorem#@#{Note} \\newtheoremstyle{plain}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % \\newtheoremstyle is described in Section 4.3 of ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf \\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name {13pt}% Space above - in addition to \topsep {3pt}% Space below {}% Body font {}% Indent amount {\\bfseries}% Theorem head font { --}% Punctuation after theorem head {.5em}% Space after theorem head {}% Theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') % mathenum \\newenvironment{mathenum}{% \\begingroup \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{\\roman{enumi}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumi)}}% \\renewcommand{\\theenumii}{\\alph{enumii}}% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumii}{{\\normalfont\\upshape(\\theenumii)}}% \\begin{enumerate} \\vskip-\\topsep\\vskip-\\parskip \\topsep5pt\\itemsep2pt% \\parsep1pt\\parskip0pt% \\vskip\\topsep\\vskip\\parskip }{% \\end{enumerate} \\endgroup } [ foreach {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} [ReturnFieldValueList $thisRepository {title author year lastupdate keywords identifier type} $serverAddressWithIP $cgi(codedpassword1)] {break} set author [FormatAuthorList [FormatAuthorName $author {} familynamelast] {;}] set x {} ;# return an empty string ] % \\hypersetup{% % pdftitle={$title}, % pdfauthor={$author}, % pdfkeywords={$keywords} % } % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=9,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} % \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=41,pdfpagemode=None,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} \\hypersetup{pdfstartpage=1,pdfstartview=FitH,baseurl=http://$localSite/col/$thisRepository/doc/} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO % CAPA % \\titulo{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\titulo{$title} \\title{Internet based identifier - Draft standard} %% no idioma secundario % \\author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner \\author{$author} %% coloque o nome do(s) autor(es), exemplo: Marcus André Fuckner % \\descriccao{Auditoria interna.} \\descriccao{} \\repositorio{$thisRepository} %% número de série INPE quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento \\tipoDaPublicacao{$type} %% tipo da publicação (NTC, RPQ, PRP, MAN, PUD, TDI, TAE e PRE) na ausência do número de série INPE, caso contrário deixar vazio \\IBI{$identifier} %% IBI (exemplo: J8LNKAN8PW/36CT2G2) quando existir, caso contrário o nome do repositório onde está depositado o documento % \\date{$lastupdate} %% versão da publicação % \\date{$year} %% data da publicação % \\date{2011} %% data da publicação % [if [string equal {} $year] {set date $lastupdate} else {set date $year}] \\date{$date} %% versão ou data da publicação % VERSO DA CAPA \\input{./versoDaCapa} % FICHA \\cutterFICHAC{B227i} \\autorUltimoNomeFICHAC{Banon, Gerald Jean Francis} %% exemplo: Fuckner, Marcus André \\autorAbreviadoFICHAC {} %% Não usado - deixar vazio % \\tituloFICHAC{Auditoria interna sobre o repositório da Memória Científica do INPE} \\instituicaosigla{INPE} %% não mudar \\instituicaocidade{São José dos Campos} %% não mudar \\paginasFICHAC{40} %% número total de páginas % \\serieinpe{INPE--/} %% número gerado pelo SID \\palavraschaveFICHAC{1.~Identificador. 2.~Vínculo persistente. 3.~Internet. 4.~Organização de arquivos. 5.~URL. 6.~Identifier. I.~\\mbox{Título}.} %% recomenda-se pelo menos 5 palavras-chaves - \mbox{} é para evitar hifenização \\numeroCDUFICHAC{004.451.53} %% ENTRAR OS DADOS ENTRE CHAVES NAS LINHAS APROPRIADAS ABAIXO - FIM \\RequirePackage{comment} \\begin{document} \\input{./document} \\end{document} } } while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword"